Qian Ning Aug 17 Turning 14 this year
Nan Hua Pri/Kent Ridge Sec
6A'08/1N2'09/2N2'10 Please tag before you leave No Spamming if you hate her, please SHOO
-New Phone
-New Wallet
-New Pencil case
-New Bag
-Sling Bag(Zinc)
-Sport shoes
-Pass all subject
-Pass all Math in 2009
-Pass Math in 2010
-Pass at least 5 subject
-Top 10 in class
Monday, August 31, 2009
9:05 PM
 Today early morning go sch, go classroom put bag then go field do exercise and the dont wat march. The place so muddy make until my shoes so dirty. Then, we went to classroom to play games. Before we went to the classroom, we need to take off shoes as it will make the classroom dirty. We play wacko, go home before night and polar bear.After the games, we go hall for the teacher day celebration. Behind our class is 1N3, there was Nicholas and Melvin keep making me especially Melvin. Then, when i call my class Nicholas, two Nicholas look at me as 1N3 Nicholas was jus sitting behind our class Nicholas. Make me laugh until i so high. Melvin go shoot rubber band at me shoot my leg 4 times and my hand 1 times feel like crying s pain. Finally the time had come to go my primary sch Nan Hua. Meet Carmen, Marcus and Bao Xin. We take cab as we share money to pay.Wish all the teacher "HAPPY TEACHER DAY"
Reach Nan Hua le so happy. Saw lots of friend there. After that, saw Wei Qin and Bryan and the others. Wen Ting was late. When Wen Ting come, we went to play hide and seek. After that, very hungry then go wif Wen Ting, Esther and Bao Xin to mama shop to eat cup noodles as Wei Qin lost her water bottle and Bryan went wif her to find. We go mama shop there the playground to eat. Saw Dahua and the others. Eating until half way, Wei Qin and Bryan come they said that water bottle cant find. Then, go mama shop buy drink again, come back nv say bye bye then Dahua go le.We go my house downstair playground.
Wei Qin did not go because she need to go home. Went wif Wen Ting, Esther, Bryan. We play Freeze and Melt. Esther went home first. Then take photo wif Wen Ting. Need thank Wen Ting for her birthday present she gave me. Thank Wen ting.
8:20 PM
Nv come blog this few days. Maybe a not bloging awhile. Btw "HAPPY TEACHER DAY" to all the teacher
Friday, August 28, 2009
7:28 PM
Today go to NPCC, sudddenly my leg pain but dont care i just go. So lonely, everytimes one person sit at the bench wait until 2.45pm. Finally, today learn how march but bang the leg, my leg very pain. Then, saw why senior nv come because they got test go march until 4.15pm then the teacher give us the name badges to put at uniform and the crest. So long at NPCC senior nv come also very good can play games. Everybody dont noe my name suddenly thay call me mei mei they all malay so they dont noe my name.But i noe their. Then, release le go West Coast Plaza buy thing to eat then go home. Inside the bus, Stephanie and Emmanuelle playing wif each other then me and Bao Xin playing wif each other too. Hahas today so tired feel like sleeping.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
11:22 PM
Today, after school went to West Coast Cafe to eat wif Vanetta, Angeline, Sarah, Stephanie, Vivian, Bao Xin, Adel. Long time nv eat there.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
9:04 PM
Long time nv come to blog because very busy so maybe not bloging nowadays
Monday, August 17, 2009
9:46 PM
Yehh today is my BIRTHDAY
Saturday, August 15, 2009
10:49 PM
Long time nv blog because i was sick. Today went wif my mother to vivo city. Nothing to see then walk around to see what we can buy.When my mother and i was going to vivomart, i saw my cousin and talk to them. After that, we go the vivomart and buy thing. Finishing buying, we went home because my head pain so we went home.
Monday, August 10, 2009
5:55 PM
Today went out wif Esther to Chua Chu Kang. Went to eat and go play DDR so fun. After that, we go play water not much water in our clothes. Then went was very thirsty, we go the food junction and drink the cup suddenly pour on my leg WTH. We go take neoprint meet someone that keep lookiong at us when we taking then Esther very angry. Finish taking we go home.
3:44 AM
Singapore "Happy Birthday"
Saturday, August 8, 2009
4:05 PM
Wish Vanetta a HAPPY BIRTHDAY...
Friday, August 7, 2009
8:49 PM
Today very happy, went sch celebrate national day when celebrates remind me of my pri sch then finish we go our activities. Our activities is GB music drills saw Stephanie then she got teach our class wif 3 more friend but the GB teacher crazy said that we nv do we got do sia WTH nvm. Then got to sing almost every national day song. I also sing like crazy.Then after that we go to jp celebrate Vanetta birthday.Some take Jolene father car and some take taxi.Reach there we go queue for tickets so many people see the movies UP. Me, Jolene, Vanetta and Yiting go eat first while others go arcade play. Finishing eating i go arcade play wif Angeline DDR mean dance dance revolution hahas i got combo then suddenly the 1N3 Nicholas and Melvin and others friend pop up they idoit keep making hai my combo lost but nvm. After that, go watch movies the movies UP so damm funny and nice.But finish le, went to find Yi Ting she dont go where she angry hope now not angry because of someone and others also go home. Then we go arcade take neoprint wif Jolene, Angeline, Eunice, Marcus and Brockley. Angeline got angry walk a way and Marcus also need go home first. Me, Jolene, Eunice and Brockley.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
9:01 PM
 Today go wif Angeline and Bao xin library do english compo. I keep crushing paper because i keep canceling scared that teacher scold me.Angeline teach me a lot in english compo thk for her help. When we finish the compo, we go Jurong Point and play arcade. Go there liao then the Bao xin keep going to one of the shop we walk then she keep going to shop. She dont hav handphone keep walking around. After we go play dancing, she walk away because she angry she no money.We go look for her then cant find we go back dancing, she nv see we looking for her and scold us that she angry we nv find her WTH. Finish playing, she angry again then keep walking to shop by shop without her handphone cnt contact her. She everytime angry. Then me and Angeline give up of finding her so we go mc cafe share drink not enough money to buy for our own so we share. Then saw her again, we ask her come back then she dont wan i pull her bag sh ask me dont pull. Then we dont care her we go Jurong Lake Park play awhile then i go home:D